Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Mathai Family

The Mathai's are a family that mean the absolute world to me!  Abey and I grew up in the same Sunday School class...but I never really talked to him, cause he was super quiet.
Once Relin moved to Houston, things changed...she brought out the best in him...and they are truly a dynamic couple!  They have such a genuine heart for our church...and work so hard to make it better for all of us...so grateful for them!

Just when I had recovered for my last toddler photo shoot....I was reminded all over again....it's tough working with toddlers!  I worked my absolute hardest to get both kiddo's attention...it's a good thing I had my sidekick with me....:) I made Sanjay do jumping jacks...push ups...sing ABC's....jump around with a teddy bear...he totally earned his oreo shake on the way home!! 

Thanks for letting me capture this precious time in your lives, sweet friends!  
Here's a sneak peak!!


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

New spot....same people!

Totally took pictures of this same family last year....and they came back for seconds! 
They might be a little difficult to recognize because Wulf decided to grow a full fledged beard (yay for Mindy!) for once in his life....which we captured for posterity's sake!   

They are easily the coolest family on my cul de sac....the kids are skateboarders, as is dad....and mom is an art teacher!  How awesome is that?  They ooze with coolness....

And...it was totally fun...and random.....hanging with my neighbors...somewhere other than our street!

Here's a sneak peek....

See you in the cul de sac!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Baby Patel...coming soon!

How is it that there are people who look BETTER with age?!  My childhood friend Reni is one of those....she has mastered the art of beauty...her hair is to die for....and it used to not be...like...at all...:)

Her and her handsome man are expecting their first son in a few weeks...and she looks more ravishing than ever!  Their itty bitty one hit the gene pool jackpot, for sure...lucky little thing!

Thanks for choosing me to take your maternity photos...you are way too beautiful to not have captured this...(thanks for convincing her, Ro!)
Here's a little sneak peek!


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tears from Thailand....:)

I've been known to shed a few tears.  I can't help it.....I am a total emotional basket case.  So naturally, I befriend people who are stoic, emotionless, and basically...robots in the flesh. Which is why Money and I are such great friends.  She's never been affectionate, or huggy or even weepy about moving away and being miles and miles away from me.

Since moving to Thailand though, she is FINALLY realizing what our friendship means!  In fact, this time....she shed tears before she went back.  
Big. Fat. Hot. Tears. 

And for that...she's getting the "tribute" on my blog that she's been bugging me for!

Money is the type of person that everyone instantly LOVES.  She literally doesn't have a care in the world, and makes you believe the same for yourself!  We've known each other forever...became great friends in high school.  Hated each other in college.  (I even UNASKED her to be a bridesmaid in my wedding...I do NOT play!)  Then rekindled our love for each other a short while later...and have been inseparable since!  

She's notoriously hateful.  But with a childlike smile....it doesn't seem so bad....

Spending time with her, is truly nostalgic.  I can't help but loosen up and be myself around her.  I love how carefree I am when I'm with her.  Things I worry about, are a distant memory when Money is next to me. 

This summer was no different.  Money came, and in her usual way, made her time here unforgettable.  We were able to hang out....kids got their quality time playing super heroes while we indulged on Mexican coke and white cheddar Cheetos.  

And she was irreplaceable in her contributions to our VBS.  Thailand has not changed that about Mon...she is still perfectly content being behind the scenes....I am so inspired by her selflessness.

And just like that, the story of this summer is over, and she is off to live her exciting life in Thailand.  But she assured me....that she misses home....she misses our church...and she misses us....
And while I ADORE my elephant harem pants from Thailand....absolutely nothing matches the proof of love that shed tears bring....
Mon...hurry home!  I miss you more than you know...and I miss the me that only you can bring out!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Allison and the twins

Hardest photoshoot ever.  I knew toddlers are tough (I live with one)...but TWO toddlers are impossible!!  
Twin moms, I tip my hat to you for doing the toughest job...twice!

Allison needed this photo shoot pretty badly with the boys' birthday coming up...and she has photo invites to send out....
She also mentioned her aunt has some famous artist who wants to paint a portrait of the boys based on a photo I take....but hey....no pressure...:)

Greyson and Cameron were the cutest little things...as cute as could be....but Allison and I were both pretty confident this photo shoot was a complete waste of time and money...:)  

For the LIFE OF ME....I could not get them to both look at me and smile at the same time.  I have to admit, here lately, I was starting to feel pretty confident in my photography skills, but boy did they put me back in my place!  These two reminded me not to get too big for my britches!!

All that said...against ALL odds....I did manage to capture a few shots that made the whole thing worth the effort!

Allison, God bless you...I have no idea how you do it....but keep on doing it!!  You've got this!  And now you have pictures to prove it!!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Josh, Taylor and Tanner...

Taylor is one of those annoyingly gorgeous girls.  Perfectly clear olive skin, and THE shiny-est hair EVER.  
Seriously, all of us at work have switched to Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner after seeing her hair.  Every. single. one. of. us.

Taylor is fast approaching her wedding day, and needed pictures of her new family....so we planned a middle of the week photo shoot in the middle of my crazy summer schedule....but I knew I had nothing to worry about!  Her family is perfect and precious...which made this shoot a breeze!  

Enjoy your sneak peek!!


Happy wedding planning, Taylor!

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Varghese Family...

You know how when you get married....you inherit a lot of stuff from your spouse?
In my case...I didn't get a bunch of old college furniture, or even mismatched pots and pans...
Instead...I inherited an entire group of people to be our "village"....people that I had known...but hadn't REALLY known yet...including the Varghese Family!

The Varghese's are a big part of my husband's history.  I am constantly hearing stories about what they did together in their special prayer meetings...who they made fun of...what their childhood consisted of!  
Anil even stood with us on our wedding day....and Aji was an usher...

Sibyl A :)...coordinated this fabulous idea to give Aunty a family photo shoot for her birthday!! 
 It was a total surprise to both parents...
She coordinated outfits between all the kids...and grandkids...and even got Aunty and Uncle to dress alike too!!  Seeing her mesh into Aji's family was so refreshing and sweet!

What an amazing time we had....Anil cracking us all up....Asha and Ed's gorgeous family that overflows with love...and Aji and Sibyl overseeing the whole shoot.  
Seeing Uncle and Aunty, surrounded by their kids and grandkids...it was evident that their faith and love has been rewarded manifold with blessings from above!




Monday, June 23, 2014

Miss you already, Abraham Family!

Saying goodbye is never an easy thing...but what makes it SUPER tough, is when it's to people you have grown to love and cherish....

The Abraham family has been near and dear to us for over the last decade...it helped that we lived within a mile of each other for the entire time!   

We have prayed for children together....grieved together....served our church together....solved all the world's problems while sitting in our living room....and enjoyed a loving friendship with these people.

They have now left the US to make a new beginning in Saudi Arabia...and while we are SO sad to lose them as neighbors and friends ...we are truly excited to see what God has in store for them on this new and sandy endeavor!  Shibu is most upset about never getting Teena's ethaka appam again!!

Before they left, they gave me the great honor of photographing their family as Siby's parents and brother were in the US from India.   I had met Siby's family many years ago, when we delivered a package to them for Siby while in Delhi!  We were shown such hospitality by them in their home....we have always remembered that!  

We wish them all the very best as they settle in next to their new neighbors...and hope they feel the power of their old neighbors prayers covering them across the oceans that separate us....

Miss you already,

Thomas Family....

Susan Chacko and I were friends from the get go in high school...if you don't count the small issue of me calling her a really ugly name...