Monday, June 23, 2014

Miss you already, Abraham Family!

Saying goodbye is never an easy thing...but what makes it SUPER tough, is when it's to people you have grown to love and cherish....

The Abraham family has been near and dear to us for over the last helped that we lived within a mile of each other for the entire time!   

We have prayed for children together....grieved together....served our church together....solved all the world's problems while sitting in our living room....and enjoyed a loving friendship with these people.

They have now left the US to make a new beginning in Saudi Arabia...and while we are SO sad to lose them as neighbors and friends ...we are truly excited to see what God has in store for them on this new and sandy endeavor!  Shibu is most upset about never getting Teena's ethaka appam again!!

Before they left, they gave me the great honor of photographing their family as Siby's parents and brother were in the US from India.   I had met Siby's family many years ago, when we delivered a package to them for Siby while in Delhi!  We were shown such hospitality by them in their home....we have always remembered that!  

We wish them all the very best as they settle in next to their new neighbors...and hope they feel the power of their old neighbors prayers covering them across the oceans that separate us....

Miss you already,

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Thomas Family....

Susan Chacko and I were friends from the get go in high school...if you don't count the small issue of me calling her a really ugly name...