Saturday, December 1, 2012

Philip Family Session

I am fairly certain that this couple just needs to keep the babies coming....have you seen how adorable they make them?!

I love me some Eva and Micah...opposite as opposites can be.  Little girl has the teeny, tiniest voice....and is the girliest girl!   While little boy is a rambunctious, wild spirit....who nearly ran out of every shot! 

Anu is one of my oldest friends, and her smile makes this hygienist green with envy...and to see Susheel look at her...melts my heart.

Here's a sneak peek from our early morning, eerily foggy session....that turned out perfectly!

Jingle those bells, 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Love of family...

These people DEFINE love for family.  What an example of love for each other and God they display!  I am so impressed by their cohesiveness.  I have come to expect their presence at church every Sunday, from Appachan making sure things are in order,  to little Angelica running around.  And Ammachi, she's one of my FAVORITES!  Ask me about some of her advice given to me, she tells it like it is!

Thank you, George Family, for allowing me to capture these moments!  The inner beauty of your family can be seen in these outwardly beautiful photos....Enjoy!

okay, seriously? how cute are they?

Smile like you mean it,

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Daniel and Bincy Engagement Shoot

Can we say bodacious!?  Bincy is one of my oldest, and dearest friends....and she's ENGAGED!!  We both grew up in the same prayer group and even though she sold out, and moved to Dallas...her smile lights up the room for us when she comes home!  

Even though we switched locations at the LAST MINUTE, her hair and makeup appointment ran late, and it was totally overcast outside....I guess when you're as adorable as this couple, it really doesn't matter...cause these photos turned out lovely!

Daniel...welcome to PCS!  You're're one of us...and you better take care of our sweet friend in California!  

Bodacious Bincy, I love you woman.....and congratulations!  


I'd say she's ready for Cali.....;)

Say macaroni and cheese,


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Would the real photographer please stand up?!

Well, well, well.  I took a small hiatus from toting my camera around whilst pregnant, cause I simply COULD NOT carry the extra weight.  Can we say, swollen feet?  Seriously, it got a little scary there near the end, but ended in an amazing birth story.  

I swore to myself after Sanjay's birth, that I would FOR SURE capture this pregnancy and delivery in pictures, to savor the last moments of my life, carrying another life.  (I was pretty sure when I said my final good bye's to my sweet friends at Dr. Randall Dunn's office, that I would not be returning to try and have more kiddos.  And after giving birth to my new babe...I am CERTAIN I won't be going through all that again...unless of course, God does one of those little miracle's He's capable of doing.) 

In any case, I wanted lots of pics of me pregnant.  Why?  Well, because here is the photographic chronicle of my pregnancy with Sanjay...

Four pictures to remind me FOREVER of the most amazing moments in my entire life?  I was so mad at myself!  Not because I'm a "take a photo of my belly every month" kind of gal.  But because I really enjoyed that period of my life.  (In my defense, getting to that point in my life took some effort, and I was nervous every step of the way, that something could go wrong.  So I think I was careful not to get too caught up in the excitement, and tried to play down all that was happening.)

So this time was supposed to be different.  It was supposed to be the pregnancy I enjoyed and took photos throughout!  But then I started getting these terrible headaches.  And then I was sick for two months with a wretched cold.  Then I started having to go to the Dr. every week because she had a notion that I might become pre eclampsic...she's pretty good like that.

And so, there are even FEWER pics of this pregnancy!!!  How is it that I am a photographer?!

This pregnancy was FAR more difficult that my previous, but just as precious.  The first one brought us the sweet boy who made us parents.  And this one brought us all the moments we knew to savor because it would likely be our last.  

And while it would have been nice to be able to go through photos to relive the moments, I am sure the experience itself has left an indelible mark on my memory.

Mommy of two,

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Benner

To be asked to photograph your friends wedding is quite the privilege....and TONS of pressure! I can honestly say, this couple made my job super easy, as they were laid back and the whole day was just a celebration of their love for each other and their loved ones.

Courtney is my friend from way back when she worked for Dr. Tregre's office and she was truly a beautiful bride to photograph. I could tell by the twinkle in her eye, that Keith is her dream come true!

Keith and Court....with the holidays...and considering I have about 500 more pictures to go through....this sneak peek is meant to quench your thirst for the next month or so!! :) Enjoy!!

Click to enlarge images!

Smiles to you,

Thomas Family....

Susan Chacko and I were friends from the get go in high school...if you don't count the small issue of me calling her a really ugly name...