Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mathai Family...

This photo shoot was not done under the best conditions in which to take photos, but we were on a time crunch, people!  At 38 weeks pregnant (for those of you who don't know...a pregnancy only lasts 40 weeks!)...it suddenly dawned on Relin that she wanted a photo shoot...of this pregnancy and their last moments as a family of four!  

Rain?  Clouds?  Humidity?  Mosquitoes? Super tired, pregnant mama?  Grumpy toddlers?  
Yes, please!  I THRIVE under these kinds of conditions..:\
On this photo shoot, we had all of the above...and then some!  

I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't thrilled with the lighting outside, or the drizzling we were having that entire day....but the show must go on!  These people are so beautiful inside and out....it hardly even matters...these pictures would have turned out perfectly no matter WHAT the situation was!  

I just loved getting to spend time with my sweet friends, and their precious little ones!  So glad we got to take these pictures and freeze time forever!  And while Hannah and Micah look so small in these photos, in just a few days they'll look SO GROWN compared to their itty bitty baby!  

Congratulations, Mathai party of five!  Can't wait to get my hands on your newest doll baby!!  

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Justina, Merin, and Raina...

These beauties are three of the sweetest girls I have had the pleasure to know and teach and LOVE over the course of their Sunday school career!  I cannot believe they are seniors!!  I adore their individual personalities...and especially their besties mentality!!  They went away to school together a few years ago, for a dual credit college program...and now they're closer than ever!  Just watching them interact with each other...makes me want to do a besties session with mine!  Where my girls at?!

We had the best time hanging out...failing at several attempted poses...and cracking up at Kevin (Merin's brother who came along..and was a HUGE help until he disappeared)

Enjoy your preview, beautiful girls!


Monday, March 21, 2016

Drs. Peck and Camille....

Most people would NOT think that seeing your boss on the weekend...when you're off the clock...would be enjoyable....
But ya'll don't work for Dr. Peck!  
Since he took over the practice last year and implemented some AMAZING policies....not gonna lie...my work attitude has greatly improved!!
So I totally loved hanging out with him last weekend...and his hilarious fiance Dr. D!!  
Can she be any more exotic?  They make an absolutely striking couple!  
This is probably one of my best sessions EVER....they did every pose perfectly...it basically looks like I hired models to plump up my portfolio...

They are individually AMAZING--both are brilliant....yet super down to earth....
And they just bring out the absolute best in each other!  They have such a great dynamic...

Dr. Peck totally had to light a fire under me about getting their photo gallery up....Camille was getting super anxious about her pictures.....which I totally get--I'm the SAME way!!  
So this is basically a POST peek--they've already seen their whole session...hahahahah....what are friends for?  

Can't wait for our double date!!! 
See you tomorrow morning, Boss!!


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sarah's senior pics...

Wow...this is probably the longest I've ever taken to post a sneak peek!! 

In my defense...I've had a CRAZY two weeks...which included an allergic reaction to shrimp that nearly put me in cardiac arrest...for real....plus spending the last few days getting ready for my baby brother's official engagement ceremony to his first and only love...with all of my favorite peeps in the world--my cousins!!

To be perfectly honest...I was not even sweating this photo session...at all...
I mean...this girl could be a model...she's absolutely lovely (inside and out)...
She's got beautiful teeth...and I would know...teeth are kinda my thing....
and her hair?  UGH...I want to steal every strand off her head and glue it onto mine! 

I already had experience with Sarah's older sister...and she had come along on that shoot two years ago to help...so she was totally prepared for her session...
And just like Stephanie's photo shoot...we had the help of my bestie...and their auntie...Jess!!

(This location is my new fave!  My future sister in law found this gem for me....thanks Geetha!!!)

Sarah...sorry for the wait! 

Happy senior year!!

Thomas Family....

Susan Chacko and I were friends from the get go in high school...if you don't count the small issue of me calling her a really ugly name...