Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sarah's senior pics...

Wow...this is probably the longest I've ever taken to post a sneak peek!! 

In my defense...I've had a CRAZY two weeks...which included an allergic reaction to shrimp that nearly put me in cardiac arrest...for spending the last few days getting ready for my baby brother's official engagement ceremony to his first and only love...with all of my favorite peeps in the world--my cousins!!

To be perfectly honest...I was not even sweating this photo all...
I mean...this girl could be a model...she's absolutely lovely (inside and out)...
She's got beautiful teeth...and I would know...teeth are kinda my thing....
and her hair?  UGH...I want to steal every strand off her head and glue it onto mine! 

I already had experience with Sarah's older sister...and she had come along on that shoot two years ago to she was totally prepared for her session...
And just like Stephanie's photo shoot...we had the help of my bestie...and their auntie...Jess!!

(This location is my new fave!  My future sister in law found this gem for me....thanks Geetha!!!)

Sarah...sorry for the wait! 

Happy senior year!!

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Thomas Family....

Susan Chacko and I were friends from the get go in high school...if you don't count the small issue of me calling her a really ugly name...