Monday, November 23, 2015

The Patels...

I finally got to meet Dylan after he turned a year old!  Reni and Ronak wanted to return to the same place we took their maternity year later....with their little guy! 
Basically us, and every other family in Houston was there to take their Christmas was crowded!!  But we were on a mission...and we weren't letting anyone get in our way!!

But Dylan?  He was NOT having all!  He was okay with me...until I put the camera up to my eyeball...and then the tears came!!  

He was the cutest little thing...and I was able to trick him into a few good shots....:)
Happy first birthday, sweet Baby Dylan!!!


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Tobs, Joyce, and Luke...

We are literally the worst set of friends everrrrr....
Meeting for this photoshoot...was our ONLY hang out for the entire year of 2015....we don't even deserve to be called friends...:)

We used to hang out all the time, but then we got busy, they got busy....and we haven't shared a meal or a prayer in nearly 5 years!  

But this photo shoot changed all that!  We are rekindling our beautiful and sweet friendship...RIGHT NOW!  Our sons are kindred spirits who never hang out, but love each other (and were a sweaty mess after our shoot from playing football) because we prayed these boys into each other's wombs....

In order for them to get their photos, I'm thinking they'll have to come over and get my house...after eating at my table....and laughing in my kitchen....:)

Love you guys!  Great hanging out with you for the first time in FOREVER!!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Aunt Jenn and Family....

Ok...she's not really my aunt...but she might as well be!  

We've worked together for the past few years...and she is the kind of person you NEED in your life!
She got the title of everyone's "aunt"...because she's knowledgeable about pretty much EVERYTHING....but totally not in a know-it-all kind of way...
More of a..."Oh dear...what do I do about this rash, Aunt Jenn?"  and she will have some sort of home remedy up her sleeve! 
She must have the secret to keeping your skin looking like porcelain....because her face is flawless...not a blemish or scar in sight!!   
And...can we say the sweetest little boys EVER?!  Her and Curt are raising such fine gentlemen!  I am taking notes! 

Enjoy your sneak peek!

See you at the morning meeting, Aunt Jenn!


Saturday, November 7, 2015

They're ba-ack!

The Philip's so kindly picked me AGAIN to photograph their lovely family....
For a photographer who is constantly worried about whether or not I have any right doing this is truly reassuring to have REPEAT customers!  For real!

After taking nearly a YEAR was nice to get back in the action with such a beautiful and fun family....

After dousing our bodies with Off bug spray...we were off!  Their neighborhood provides such a perfect backdrop for photos!  And luckily for me, our neighborhoods are I was home in  literally a minute!

Philip's...enjoy your sneak peek....and thanks AGAIN for the opportunity!!


Thomas Family....

Susan Chacko and I were friends from the get go in high school...if you don't count the small issue of me calling her a really ugly name...