Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Reg and Jess....

How is this even my job?!  
To take pictures of my sweet friend and her AMAZING family...way too much fun! 

Jess has been my nearest and dearest friend since junior high...and easily the person I have spent the most time with on the phone over all these years...if you ever meet us...you'd wonder how either of us got a word in edgewise with the other one on the line....
She is the soprano to my alto....and we have spent many of those hours on the phone singing in parts...I'm not one to brag...but our voices basically complement each other's perfectly...:) 
Also...we are not shy....ask us...we'll perform for you...pahahahaahahah....I wish I was kidding...

Jess is a photographers dream....she knows what I am aiming for even before I say it...and her entire family follows suit!  They were excellent with posing and having a good time!  Even Reg!  I loved hanging out with this precious family for the photo shoot and then the hangout at my house afterwards...was the icing on the cake! 

The last time the George's took family pictures was 8 years ago.  How is that even possible?  And I am 98% sure I was the last one to take those pictures...
If I had two adorable girls like this, I'd be taking family pictures every year...no lie.  

Thank you George's for the opportunity!


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Thomas Family....

Susan Chacko and I were friends from the get go in high school...if you don't count the small issue of me calling her a really ugly name...