Monday, April 17, 2017

Jayna's Senior Pictures...

Whoa, your life totally seems like it has come full circle when it's time to take your niece's senior pictures and you can still remember the day she was born.   The first time we went to see Jaynapi, my cousin Reggie was so excited we nearly watched the ENTIRE delivery AND post-delivery fun on video....hahahha....
Where did the time go?!
Jaynapi always was the sweetest girl...she's never been rambunctious or annoying...a joy to be around...such a calm spirit. 

And look at her now....our little Jaynapi has grown into a woman!  She is a worship leader, caring towards her younger cousins, and a make-up aficionado.  This girl can fly with that winged eyeliner! 

I loved hanging out with her and taking her senior pictures...she knew exactly where she wanted to go...with the Houston skyline behind her....

We literally had a fun day in the park with our families...everybody had ideas on where and how to do her pictures...even with all the people around, the time wasted for us to find each other in downtown as the sun slipped away, and 4 outfit changes in her car...we STILL accomplished what we came for!

I wondered if she'd be shy with all of us there....but she was working the camera...serious faces...soft smiles...whipping her gorgeous tresses around....ugh...what kind of person am I that I'm slightly jealous of my little niece??!   

Enjoy your sneak peek, Jingy!!  Love you so much, sweet girl!!  It has truly been a joy watching you grow have blessed our family in so many ways!  Praying for God's continued blessings in your life and especially for your college career!




Sunday, April 2, 2017

Kat's senior session....

For the absolutely very first time ever in my entire  photography career....I photographed a complete stranger!!  Kat is the only person I've taken pictures of, that I didn't already know from one of my many circles of friends and acquaintances.  

Granted...we were only strangers for all of about FOUR minutes.  Her mom and her were so incredibly sweet that we became fast friends and the rest is history!  She's got the driest and best sense of humor, which made this session such a blast!  Kat's mom got my number from my cousin (thanks for the referral, Sheebachech!), went to my blog, liked my pics, and picked me to take her daughter's senior pictures.  What an honor to be considered, much less picked!! 

Kat felt like the whole senior session was a giant waste of her time and energy.  Luckily her mom knows whats up, and totally came prepared with poses and even a tube of lipstick for Kat. 

It would have been just awful if we missed photographing this moment in Kat's life.  I mean, this girl is just stunning and such an accomplished young lady.  She has such a natural beauty...those eyes, her gorgeous locks, and that perfect!! 

Thank you so much for the opportunity!!  And Kat, in the future, just trust your mom--she's legit.  

Happy graduation,

Thomas Family....

Susan Chacko and I were friends from the get go in high school...if you don't count the small issue of me calling her a really ugly name...