In my case...I didn't get a bunch of old college furniture, or even mismatched pots and pans...
Instead...I inherited an entire group of people to be our "village"....people that I had known...but hadn't REALLY known yet...including the Varghese Family!
The Varghese's are a big part of my husband's history. I am constantly hearing stories about what they did together in their special prayer meetings...who they made fun of...what their childhood consisted of!
Anil even stood with us on our wedding day....and Aji was an usher...
Sibyl A :)...coordinated this fabulous idea to give Aunty a family photo shoot for her birthday!!
It was a total surprise to both parents...
She coordinated outfits between all the kids...and grandkids...and even got Aunty and Uncle to dress alike too!! Seeing her mesh into Aji's family was so refreshing and sweet!
What an amazing time we had....Anil cracking us all up....Asha and Ed's gorgeous family that overflows with love...and Aji and Sibyl overseeing the whole shoot.
Seeing Uncle and Aunty, surrounded by their kids and was evident that their faith and love has been rewarded manifold with blessings from above!