Thursday, November 14, 2013

Philip Extended Family Session

I am probably the biggest fan of Anita's family.  
Her immediate family, her cousins and her extended family....not gonna lie...I secretly wish I was a part of them.  They are individually awesome....but together?  Mind blowing.
All this time, I figured Susheel was a lucky guy to have married her...and inherit them.  

And then a few days ago, I met HIS family...

What a great group the Philip's are!  Uncle and Aunty are so in love with their whole crew.  They were just tickled to have their little ones surrounding them.  Tom and Susan are raising the most incredible band of brothers I've met.  We all just hit it off so must be because we are Ranny people.  I have YET to meet someone from Ranny, that I didn't like!

Philip family, thank you for the opportunity yet again to photograph your beautiful crew...what a truly special group you all are....the pleasure was all mine!  

Families matter,


Thomas Family....

Susan Chacko and I were friends from the get go in high school...if you don't count the small issue of me calling her a really ugly name...