Sunday, September 26, 2010


On September 8, 2010, my dear uncle left us on earth to go to his heavenly home. We are deeply saddened as a family, as Appachan was the pillar of the Koodathinalil Family.

Upon Appachan's death, we started digging through old photographs to make a slideshow, it was both therapeutic and heart breaking for me.

It occurred to me that these photographs would be the only way I would see Appachan's face here on earth again. These photographs would tell the stories of our lives with him.

What makes me most sad, is that Sanjay will only know him through these photographs. He won't remember how he loved Appachan's lap, and walking around with his cane, and praying every night for Appachan to be healed.

I look forward to the day when I see Appachan face to face again.
In the meantime, I suppose pictures will have to do.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Vishal Baptism

This past weekend, I had the privilege of photographing the baptism of sweet, baby Vishal. He is the son of our dear friends, Abie and Money, and he is gonna break some hearts one day!

I LOVE our baptism service....the congregation thanking God for the mother's safety during her pregnancy and delivery, the family renouncing Satan for their baby, the child being anointed with Holy is absolutely moving.

And of course....the adorable baby. Vishal looked like a prince in his Indian clothes...and like a little, naked, Cherub when he was placed in the baptismal.

Enjoy the preview!

Thomas Family....

Susan Chacko and I were friends from the get go in high school...if you don't count the small issue of me calling her a really ugly name...